With love you are welcomed here.

Now is a time of great change and challenge in our way of living and being individually and as collective human family. We see the bringing forth of truths, information and misinformation, technology, imbalances, absurdities, history and more that has been hidden, tainted, denied, rewritten or simply unknown from our awareness. A grand rebirth occurs. A time of rethinking and refeeling of all we have been taught or thought. It can be quite overwhelming and stretching our senses and beliefs.
It is a return to living from our heart.
We are in a natural process of evolution – Cosmic Ascension. All things are shifting, changing, rearranging to release patterns and processes that are out of alignment with love, compassion, unity, honor of life, integrity and truth.
And with change comes chaos, questioning, need for inner connection, understanding, context and clarity.

Cosmic Ascension effects all life and every thing, every one is an important piece of this unfoldment of reconnection to our heart, origin and sacred purpose.
No One is left out. Ones conscious understanding and participation through the process of internal and external transformation brings ease and greater harmony to these constant changes, challenges and bombardments of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual responses and symptoms.
Without understanding, these changes, symptoms and new awareness may be very confusing, painful and full of unnecessary fears, concerns, reactions, misunderstandings and even unknowing resistance to a divine process of empowerment, self healing and reconnection to ones own heart and source.
Each person is their own highest authority and of free will.
I offer assistance to aid in reeducating humanity with understanding, context, dialog, experiences and tools to be able to navigate this profound time to help make sense of what is happening to ones mind, body, relationship and life expression.
As we have and are experiencing it ourselves through our own personal consciousness experience of inner healing, embodiment, skill building, remembrance, heart expression expanding our capabilities.
We return to the truth of the knowing of the Universal Laws and ways of being, Service to Others (STO), the Law of One under Cosmic Sovereign Law. Each begin is of free will and ability of choice. All information and services are offered for education, self empowerment and is of direct experience of Self and knowing as we access the Celestial Records, Source Unity Fields and One Divine Mind. In this way we find we share the information via these pathways, similar to the internet, perhaps calling this the internal Source God Net within of which all knowledge is free and open.